Friday, July 27, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Two are better - Giusypatch Original Designs
I've got my holidays in Croatia, and got new ispiration from the nature and the beauty of that place. There where lavander and bees, so this is the result for a new cross stitch pattern.
It measure 88w x 99h stitches.
7/22/2007 04:02:00 pm
cross stitch charts,
giusypatch original designs,
Friday, July 13, 2007
Needles Keeper
Un lavoro veloce e simpatico per tenere in ordine ed a portata di mano gli adorati aghi e spilli.
Il modello è tratto dallo schema Giusypatch Original Designs "Antico Amore", come anche le lettere sul retro, volutamente ricamate attaccate a formare il mio monogramma (GDB).
Fili usati: #108 waterlilies by Caron - silk floss
#Desert Mesquite by Crescent Colours
#4140 DMC Color Variations
Yesterday night I've completed this fast and enjoyable needles keeper!
The model is drawn from the Giusypatch Original Designs “Antico Amore” chart, like also letters on the back, intentionally embroidered attacked to form my name's monogram (GDB).
Floss used: #108 waterlilies by Caron - silk floss
#Desert Mesquite by Crescent Colours
#4140 DMC Color Variations
Un travail rapide et sympathique pour tendres en ordine et à portée de main adorée des aiguilles et des épingles.
Le modèle est tiré du grille Giusypatch Original Designs « Ancien Amore », comme même les lettres au verso, volutamente brodées attaquées à former ma monogramma (GDB).
Bisous a tut le monde!
7/13/2007 11:14:00 am
cross stitch charts,
mon point de croix